Worldsfeed Health Desk: Like every field, Artificial Intelligence is developing rapidly in fitness and health also. The number of fitness apps using AI is increasing manifold. Some people are also asking the popular AI chatbot ChatGPT to create workout programs for them. Most AI fitness apps are designed for solo use. But, the first gym named Lumin Fitness has been opened in Dallas, Texas, USA, where people can exercise with an AI trainer.
AI trainer can train 14 people simultaneously
The AI trainer can give feedback by speaking on every movement being done during the workout. There are LED screens installed on the walls of the gym. Through these screens, the AI personal trainer can train 14 people simultaneously.
Sensors installed in the gym will monitor every member
Every person has his own station. Sensors behind the screen track the person’s exercise and specially designed equipment such as dumbbells, skipping ropes. At the same time, while working out, the AI on the headphones keeps giving its assessments and instructions.
Lumin Fitness CEO Brandon Bean said, ‘Sensors installed in the gym can monitor every member and give feedback on their every movement. We are not looking to substitute for the talent of a human trainer. Rather, we are giving them the tools to provide a better experience. The special feature of AI is its ability to learn. It is not perfect yet, but with time AI fitness will get better.
There is no substitute for emotional intelligence related to fitness.
According to experts, if AI is programmed well, it can help people a lot in exercising. However, health and fitness also involves emotional intelligence. AI cannot be its substitute.